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TIER 1 Recovery Project - Fall 2019
Dr. Caroline Nelson, C-Line, CEO
The Opioid Epiemic is Real in NJ
TIER 1 offers a viable solution to this crisis
TIER 1 Recovery Theory
The overall goal of Tier 1 recovery is to offer individuals a comprehensive therapeutic milieu aimed at circumventing illicit thinking and behavior that contributes to self-defeating practices. CGCC proposes to address both immediate physical needs and long-term stability (through counseling, healthcare assistance and job skills training). The core of CGCC’s programming milieu sees treatment of addiction as a spiritual problem. CGCC will create a safe place, a sanctuary for individuals in trouble. Through acceptance, discipline and structure, individuals gain the emotional and spiritual confidence to meet the challenges of life without depending on mood altering behavior. CGCC will run a very structured program whereby each participant will be expected to follow a individualized treatment plan. Milieu includes: personal counseling, a spiritual-based curriculum of study, life skills training and educational training. Clients are assigned a clinical counselor who would develop treatment plans designed to focus on recovery and maintenance. The emphasis on the spiritual dimension is supported by research that suggests individuals can return to the same environment that predisposed them to illicit behavior and be met with success. This is because of the internal change and transformation that the spiritual dimension affords.
Dr. Willie Moody, Project Director
Overview & Justification:
CGCC is poised professionally and administratively to facilitate a successful launch of the TIER 1 Project. Dr. Moody's extensive work with clients down through the years which contributed to his book Tier 1 will translate and expand from the therapist office, conference and seminar settings to a comprehensive Recovery House. Dr. Moody's extensive background in the public health field, combined with his work as a Spiritual Director provides the perfect blend for this initiative. Needless to say, the benefits of this initiative will impact criminal behavior and related cost. Many of these individuals have been regulated to the judicial system which has landed them in jail and/or prison. This costs has escalated. The rate of recidivism has skyrocket, because the addiction has never been addressed. The benefit to families is priceless. Rehabilitated individuals are returned to their homes and families, and have gone on to be productive members of society. The benefit to the City of Plainfield is unsurmountable. The ravages of the current opioid epidemic has systemic manifestations. Intervention strategies would offset this trend and enhance the quality of life for the residents of Plainfield and surrounding communities. It is a win/win situation for everybody!
Fiscal Responsibility:
Dr. Willie Moody is an experienced in program development and has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for Social Service Agencies throughout the country. CGCC will engage in an aggressive fund-raising campaign with private and non-profit entities. The funding will secure finances for overall management and program delivery.